Fitness For All – Be Fit For Life

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Are you unfit?

To be more specific, are you over 50 and unfit?

Easy Fitness For Over 50sThen Easy Fitness for Over 50s has you covered. Twelve weeks from now you will look back on how truly unfit you were and realise that there is no going back from your new level of fitness. And of course, because it’s so easy you have no excuse ever to stop being fit.

But what if you aren’t over 50? Don’t worry, Xania Books still has you covered, with Easy Fitness for Over 40s. The same principles apply to both books, an easy, graduated progression from unfit to fit in just 12 short weeks.

We are not talking ‘super-fit’, washboard stomach here. Six-packs are for the intensive gym and weights crowd, and go for it if that’s your thing. However, you can be fit without one, a resilient, timeless fitness that you can carry with you effortlessly into old age. Who doesn’t want to live a longer and healthier life?

Perhaps you don’t even qualify as ‘Over 40’, or don’t want to be limited by an age-related book. Perhaps you want to get fitter but you don’t want to go to any gym to workout and pay out, and all in front of other people. Perhaps you want to get fitter in private, and emerge from your chrysalis as a ‘new you’ in 12 weeks or less.

Easy Fitness At Home will help you get there, once again using a similar step-by-step plan that the ‘age’ books adopt and, just like those books, Easy Fitness At Home specialises in putting that bounce into your step within the privacy of your own four walls.

Regardless of age, being overweight is not a healthy way to be, and dieting is not a long-term solution. After all, giving things up is more painful than hard exercise, and sooner or later you will probably give in and put on those pounds again. But ‘hard exercise’ isn’t even necessary if you take up the Easy Fitness For Easy Weight Loss method.

Easy Fitness For Easy Weight LossIt’s not called ‘Easy Fitness’ for nothing. Not only that, but there is no dieting involved. Adapting your daily routine with a selection of enjoyable diet plans, yes, but you won’t need to starve yourself to lose weight. A combination of easy exercise and healthy eating will see you through as you watch those pounds fall off.


Fitness For All

Four fitness books to help you get fit, remain fit, and lose weight throughout your life. All of them explain in detail a varied sequence of easy exercises that anyone can do. They will help you maintain your body in perfect order for longer, keep disease and viruses at bay, improve your mental health, your overall outlook on life, and become the person you want to be. There is a fitter version of you lurking within, just waiting to be let out. Unleash the best version of yourself and never look back.





Here is a sample from one of our fitness books:


Easy Fitness For Over 50sThe exercises should take less than 20 minutes to complete, and although you will certainly feel that you have made an effort, you should never have to find yourself pushing through ‘the pain barrier’.


Yes, it can be a challenge sometimes, especially when you are first starting out, and yes, any exercise worth doing is going to be exerting, but when you reach an optimized fitness level then you will be able to take it all in your stride.


I myself can do all the exercises to the maximum recommended level without significant effort at all, and occasionally I do more and more, just because I feel like it. The important message I want to pass on to you at this introductory stage is that you must complete all the exercise routines set out below, regularly and to the best of your ability. No excuses, or it won’t be worth doing, and you will never get to experience the easiest aspect of it all – reaching the level where exercise is so easy that it becomes second nature. A habit.


Exercise can become such a habit that if you feel the need to step up a gear from time to time then it is possible to lose weight very quickly, giving a fluid rhythm to your posture and movement, a positive vitality that will shine through everything you do. It becomes easy to do this before a vacation, after a celebratory blow-out, looking good for a new job, whatever the need, as long as you have the necessary foundation of fitness that I will be showing you in the following pages.


Break your goal down into the core elements, and limit each phase to just 12 weeks. Each phase leads directly to the end goal which may be six months or more away. At each stage you can remind yourself, “in just 12 weeks from now I will have achieved something really special.” A measurable improvement that marks a milestone towards that end goal, your self-visualization.


Twelve weeks is a time scale just long enough to accomplish something of true significance, yet close enough to feel its imminence. The end is constantly in sight.


When you have reached the Maintenance Level then your fitness should be assured. Every now and then you may miss a day or two of these routine exercises. You may have a period of excessive over-indulgence at certain times of the year. That shouldn’t be a problem.


Easy Fitness is easy. It only becomes more difficult when you allow your fitness level to drop. You don’t want to start at Week One again. Trust me, I know!


“Take care of your body – it’s the only place you have to live in.”

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