Our Newest Book: The Homecoming

Darkness fell, and the heightened sense of blood running through distant veins grew stronger and stronger… A deadly trio arrive and immediately make their presence felt. Killer dogs are on the loose, or is it the White Worm again? No-one dare speak the word - ‘vampire’. And yet, how many more plots will be claimed in the peaceful graveyard before the village can rest in peace? Strange happenings have become normal in the sleepy Derbyshire Peaks, and the curse of the Darbys seems to be all too real. But there are so many unanswered questions. A quick read to capture the imagination, the third in The Selenics trilogy.

About the Author

Alister Morton lives in a sleepy English village not unlike the village described in Dead and Buried. You may know it. The sort of place where the locals look round and cast their eyes over you when you enter ‘their’ local pub. The sort of place where everyone knows each other’s business. The sort of place where the unexpected can happen. Surprisingly often. It’s a friendly place. Writing at night, the atmosphere is perfect for the imagination to run wild. It doesn’t take much for reality and imagination to blur together conjure up an atmospheric world where almost anything can happen. Maybe it does...

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